Friday, August 29, 2003

my brain the junkie

And why have I been MIA? Doc's orders you see. I've been diagnosed with glaucoma, which is a condition of abnormally high pressure in the eyeballs but sadly though, there isn't any cool mutantlike x-ray vision that comes with it. He wants me to stay away from TVs and PCs. Tall order hahaha! And no reading too, nothing but rest for the eyes.

I just tried doing that for a week and nearly went insane just trying. Why? Try this for as long as you can ... don't look at or read any form of text around you, and I mean don't allow your eyes to focus and make out any words, ditto for television and of course, the PC stays switched off. Well, if you've made the effort you'd find out that it's not the sheer boredom that gets to you. It's the temptation to read and comprehend every single word within range of sight, and to snatch glances at every flickering image on a CRT display in the immediate surroundings. I was virtually craving for visual stimuli!

I guess it's another one of those things we take for granted every day. Our brains and conscious minds are so accustomed to trying to see, read, observe and understand everything around us. To take plain sight and turn it into our sense of reality. Maybe my mind was so conditioned to all our modern day visual input that it simply suffered from withdrawal when put off it. I'm a information junkie.